Messages when synchronizing using an IO provider

An ENI-file is required when accessing the hardware IOs via EC-Master and EC-Engineer of Acontis. This ENI-file is the base for synchronizing the resource within the PLC-object and for creating the corresponding declarations for the resource-global variables within a global-object. This article lists the appertaining errors.

Error while synchronizing global-object "{0}" (specified IO provider "{1}")
Possible solution: Make sure that the ENI-file that is the base for synchronizing the resource has been created in EC-Engineer. If in doubt, create a new ENI-file in Neuron Power Engineer and drag this ENI-file anew to a sub-folder of the Neuron Power Engineer project. Take care that the name and sub-folder are identical to the previous name and sub-folder. Afterwards synchronize the resource with the new ENI-file anew.

ENI-file "name" not found. or
Invalid path for the ENI-file
Solution: Correct the path to the ENI-file entered for the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object. Afterwards synchronize the resource anew as specified under "Accessing hardware IOs via EC-Engineer".

IO provider "name" is unknown.
Solution: Correct the IO provided entered for the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object. Best practice is to use the content assist for this correction. Afterwards synchronize the resource anew as specified under "Accessing hardware IOs via EC-Engineer". 

Global variables could not be generated based on ENI-file "name".
Possible solution: Make sure that the ENI-file that is the base for synchronizing the resource has been created in EC-Engineer. If in doubt, create a new ENI-file in Neuron Power Engineer and drag this ENI-file anew to a sub-folder of the Neuron Power Engineer project. Take care that the name and sub-folder are identical to the previous name and sub-folder. Afterwards synchronize the resource with the new ENI-file anew. 

Ignored variable "name". Unknown data type "name"
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

Ignored variable "name". Unknown data type "name" of length name
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

The variable "name" could not be synchronized. The data type "name" is invalid. Location: ENI-file "name"
Solution: In EC-Engineer, create a new ENI-file. Drag this ENI-file anew to a sub-folder of the Neuron Power Engineer project. Take care that the name and sub-folder are identical to the previous name and sub-folder. Afterwards synchronize the resource with the new ENI-file anew.Note: If you have created the ENI-file with a different name and/or you dragged the ENI-file to a different sub-folder, you have to adapt the name and/or path of the ENI-file entered in the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object. Only then synchronize the resource again

The variable "name" could not be synchronized. The bit size is invalid. Location: ENI-file "name"
Solution: In EC-Engineer, create a new ENI-file. Drag this ENI-file anew to a sub-folder of the Neuron Power Engineer project. Take care that the name and sub-folder are identical to the previous name and sub-folder. Afterwards synchronize the resource with the new ENI-file anew.
Note: If you have created the ENI-file with a different name and/or you dragged the ENI-file to a different sub-folder, you have to adapt the name and/or path of the ENI-file entered in the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object. Only then synchronize the resource again.

The variable "name" could not be synchronized. The name is invalid. Location: ENI-file "name"
Solution: In EC-Engineer, make sure that the names of the variables (listed in the Device Editor, tab Variables) are →IEC-identifiers. If the names contain special characters, such as umlauts (äöü) or ßNeuron Power Engineer cannot access the hardware IOs. Subsequently, create a new ENI-file. Drag this ENI-file anew to a sub-folder of the Neuron Power Engineer project. Take care that the name and sub-folder are identical to the previous name and sub-folder. Afterwards synchronize the resource with the new ENI-file anew.
Note: If you have created the ENI-file with a different name and/or you dragged the ENI-file to a different sub-folder, you have to adapt the name and/or path of the ENI-file entered in the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object. Only then synchronize the resource again.

"name" (specified for "GLOBALS") must be an identifier according to IEC 61131-3.
Solution: Change the appropriate element for GLOBALS within the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object.

"name" is a keyword according to IEC 61131-3. Such keywords must not be used as the name of the global object (specified for "GLOBALS").
Solution: Change the appropriate element for GLOBALS within the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object.

"name" (specified for "GLOBALS") is repeatedly declared.
Solution: Change the appropriate element for GLOBALS within the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object.

"name" (specified for "GLOBALS") is an invalid or a not supported path name.
Solution: Change the appropriate element for GLOBALS within the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object so that the name is not a word reserved by the operating system or the name contains one of the characters reserved by the operating system.
Example 1 for Windows: Reserved words are: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9
Example 2 for Windows: Reserved characters are: \ / : * ? " < > |

Platform "name" does not support the IO service "name".
Solution: Change the appropriate element for SERVICE within the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object. Example for an supported IO service: EtherCAT